Thursday, 29 April 2010

Phew...what a week so far!

This week has officially been crazy busy for myself and BoBelle London. Monday started off on a rather annoying note as I had to wait in for Fedex to pick up my unwanted display materials that should have been collected on Friday. Grrr. Forstly, how could they 'forget' on Friday to collect? And secondly, why is it that logistic companies can never really give a better time frame than 'sometime between 9am and 5pm'. Oh, how it irkes me!
After the collection I fortunately was able to get on with our wholesaling packaging. We have a wonderful new stockist in Bristol called Elsie Riley. Her shop is gorgeous and she is now starting to do up her website to work in conjunction with the actual shop. Katie, the owner, is very down to earth, funny and approachable. In store she has in our Hemera Handbag in Light Grey and Ravishing Red, the matching Aphrodite Wallets, the new Chloe Wallet and the Athena Purse. They all go perfectly together and the colours really complement one another.
BoBelle London was fortunate enough to be featured on Emerging Fervour - I actually personally went to school with one of the founders, Sara Nasser. She is a very kind and fun person and because of the Red Magazine feature, she wanted to mention me, thanks Sara!
We have had lots of meetings this week and my one yesterday with a retail developer was very promising...more to tell when I hopefully sign on the dotted line! Fingers and toes crossed....
My mentoring session with Craig from DediPower was alo this week. His company were exhibiting at Internet World at Earl's Court. It was so interesting as it has given me food for thought on website designs, photography, keywords, getting up on Google and the new craze, Social Media. The world of Social Media is a baffling one - how to write on Twitter, what to create on Facebook, how to write blogs, who to follow etc etc etc....I can safely say they didn't teach me any of this at University! Ah well, there is nothing like learning on-the-job!
Finally, last night I attended a Royal Society meeting on Social Enterprise. I went with Heather Wilkinson from Striding Out and it was a real eye opener. It is so refreshing to hear people speak about their experiences, what their passions are and how they are trying to overcome hurdles. There is so much bureaucracy and red tape in the UK. Some of the speakers are doing such fabulous things such as helping disadvantaged children off the streets and into youth theatre or education. Others are setting up schemes to help parents and families with children who have learning difficulties. All these venture are so commendable, but Authorities are worried about CRB checks, Health and Safety and is just local people and communities volunteering for goodness sake! No wonder we are put off helping others now. We will see what this election brings and hopefully realy change is brought about, finally....
Off out to another meeting now, but will update you all again next week if not before.
Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!

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