Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Passion is everything

When growing BoBelle London, so many people ask me what my drive is - I say 'passion'. Don't ask me how to get it, you either have it or you don't. Nothing is too much for your business; be it learning to use new accounting packages, speaking in public, attending events where you know no one or doing the mundane day-to-day tasks. You get on and do it because you know you have to, you know it will ultimately make your business better. Putting yourself out there is really tough - you have to have serious doses of courage and self-belief. If you have a great product/service, then it should just come naturally.

I 100% whole-heartedly believe in BoBelle. The quality, service and styles are what make my brand work. It has taken time, don't get me wrong, and there is still a long way to go, but everyday something happens and it is a humbling feeling to know that it is because of me that things evolve. I am not too sure I would get that same feeling working for someone else.

I have some exciting developments in the pipeline; new ranges, new website, new tradeshow, new collection for Marks and Spencer Autograph....it is all happening and sometimes it's tough because I want it all NOW! However, I remember my mantra "you have to walk before you can run - and crawl before you can walk" - baby steps need to be taken before giant leaps. This doesn't stop me from pushing for more though!

I have some great events lined up and starting today I have a coffee catch up with a lovely journalist! I hope you are all having a lovely start to the week and do remember to keep loving what you are doing :-)

Claire x

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